
mardi 16 octobre 2007

Adamantios Korais

Yesterday I walked along the Antigone neighborhood where I lived for several years, on the Place du Nombre d'Or. A few years ago, after I left my apartment, the city hall had a statue of a famous Greek scholar, Adamantios Korais, installed under the windows of my former apartment, at the back of the building. Yesterday, I noticed that some graffiti had been "stuck", not drawn, on the statue's face. For once, the "tagueurs," as we call them here, have shown some respect for their victim :-)).

The middle and lower photos show the windows of "my" kitchen, one of my son's bedroom and "my" bedroom.

6 commentaires:

  1. Oh la la! Je suis le premier! Et la statue est mignon avec la 'lettre'? :)

    La Republique Etrange

  2. That's interesting and to see the windows in the lower photos - love your building!

  3. A wonderful apartment and an even more wonderful view.
    Chère Marie, Sorry to have become invisible this week but I am under pressure at mon bureau. I am truly honoured to have been tagged by you and regret that it came at such a busy time. I will respond when the smoke blows away and offer a better apology.
    Je suis si impatient pour arriver en France !

  4. Nice statue, too bad about the stuck-on stuff, but hopefully it can be removed.

    Nice to see the attractive and interesting building where you lived and "your rooms!" :-D

  5. What an elegant building, Marie. You must miss this place a bit. The statue is rather elegant too.

  6. I enjoyed your photos of the rugby fans, and feel sure they would have been feeling very glum after the match. Well done Les Bleus to have reached the fact the whole tournament seems to have gone off without a major hitch.
    Thank you, Marie, for tagging me. I will make it my task for tomorrow.
    Also, i will post an item about Blog Day too in the next couple of days or so...much to catch up on.

