
mercredi 28 novembre 2007

Fred Chichin

Today my post has nothing to do with Montpellier. The musician Fred Chichin, of "Les Rita Mitsouko" has just died. He was about 50. "Les Rita Mitsouko" (Fred and his wife Catherine Ringer) were the best music group in France (by far!). I am not very much interested in modern music to tell the truth, but I love Les Rita Mitsouko!!!!!!!!! They were supposed to sing in Montpellier in a few days (November 30th).

You can listen to their music on DailyMotion and on YouTube.

You can read about them in English, for example here:

Zut et zut, why is it always the good ones that have to die?

11 commentaires:

  1. Triste nouvelle, tu viens de me l'apprendre, les ritas avaient amenes de la folie et de l'originalite dans le rock français. Bad Day pour la musique...........

    Bonjour Tristesse.

  2. Ben oui, si j'en parle c'est aussi parce que j'ai les boules! Ceci dit je me rends compte queje n'ai pas repris la traduction de mes posts depuis ton retour de NYC.

  3. je l'ai appris ce soir je comprenais pas pourquoi leur concert au Zénith de Nantes était retardé sans cesse.

    Andy est trop triste ;-(

  4. I like it. My French was only good enough for a few words here and there.
    --steve buser
    New Orleans Daily Photo

  5. I have NO French, but I thought it was very entertaining and colorful!

  6. I did not expect to get much out of that, as I don't understand enough French... but I was MESMERIZED! Completely. It is so sad that we have lost him.

  7. Oh oui, moi aussi ça me fait de la peine...Plein de souvenirs associés à leurs chansons, de la bonne musique et puis décidément trop jeune pour mourir.

  8. Mein Gott; these performers certainly put their heart and soul into their performances, Marie.
    I can see why you love their music, it is vibrant and so full of the joie de vie.
    Very sad to kick the bucket at 50.

    Je suis très désolé de l'entendre

  9. Very motley group of artists! Contrast between vivant colors and sorrow! Stange! I like them thought!

  10. And Maurice Bejart has died too!....Bad month!...

  11. Wow, they really took music to a new artistic form. Not exactly my taste in music but it is certainly a visual treat. Fred's death must be very sad for everyone. Je suis desolee pour son mort, Marie.

