
dimanche 9 décembre 2007

Aquarium Mare Nostrum

The Aquarium Mare Nostrum is going to open on December 15th. It will be another wonderful place to visit in Montpellier. It is located in Odysseum.

I took photos when the aquarium was not completed yet. As you can see the exterior walls look like fish scales.

A lot of websites show photos of the brand new aquarium. For example, you can visit Olivier, the webmaster, seems to be impassioned with the aquarium. He has taken and posted photos of it since the very beginning of the construction.

As you certainly know, Mare Nostrum was the affectionate name the Romans gave to the Mediterranean Sea. It means "Our Sea" in Latin.

L'aquarium Mare Nostrum va ouvrir le 15 décembre. Ce sera encore un merveilleux endroit à visiter à Montpellier. Il est situé à Odysseum.

J'ai pris des photos de l'aquarium quand celui-ci n'était pas tout à fait terminé. Comme vous pouvez le voir, les murs extérieurs ressemblent à des écailles de poisson.

De nombreux sites web parlent de notre tout nouvel aquarium. Vous pouvez, par exemple, visiter Olivier, le webmaster, semble passionné par l'aquarium. Il prend et il poste des photos depuis le tout début de la construction.

Comme vous le savez certainement, Mare Nostrum, c'est le nom que donnaient affectueusement les Romains à la mer Méditerranée. Mare Nostrum signifie "notre mer" en latin.

27 commentaires:

  1. Une raison de plus pour revenir à Montpellier que je n'ai pas revu depuis au moins 20 ans, j'avais un cousin germain qui y a habité peu de temps, voilà pourquoi nous n'y sommes plus retournés.

  2. That should be an interesting place to visit. It makes interesting photos already! Thanks for visiting Selma, Ala. 80 degrees F is very warm...short-sleeve weather.

  3. WOW! What a beautiful place, Marie, and very nicely captured. :-D

    What is the weather like there, where you are? We have freezing rain today.

    I read at a poetry reading yesterday and thought of you.

  4. The Mare Nostrum Aquarium looks like a great place to visit. It is a beautiful modern building.

  5. Superbes photos! Je suis venue sur ce blog par une blog-amie, Cabacurl d'Australie. Je suis francaise d'orogine at habite a Perth en Australie Occidentale.

  6. ... origine, mince on ne peut pas editer les commentaires!

  7. Our sea - that's such a lovely way to think about the waters.

  8. That's a very nice name for an aquarium. :)

  9. Oh a place I would love to visit.
    Great pictures. Love all the blues in the photos.

  10. One can easily see how this beautiful building will attract many, many people to its exhibits. Thank you for the photos. By the way, I like the pink buildings. I imagine you enjoy your time there where you accomplish so many things.

  11. une architecture qui ose, j'aime beaucoup. la premiere photo avec les reflets est vraiment superbe. On attend l'inauguration et tes photos avec impatience

  12. Le bâtiment est beau ; il ne manque plus que les poissons.

  13. I will run to it , I have seen a report on it on TV that was wonderful.

  14. I think that Olivier would be most pleased with your impassioned presentation of his new baby.

    Thanks, too, for your thoughtful, kind comments on the occasion of the Motorcycle Toy Run, here in Adelaide.
    I have left a lengthy response for you, there, Marie.

  15. I bet that's going to be wonderful. I've gone into several similar different places we've been. My computer is up and running again.

  16. Thank you for your comments. The fish are alrady there, Bergson. We're going to be welcomed by sharks, real sharks I mean :-)

  17. Wow - what a stunning building!!! Love the fish scales and all the glass - will be interesting to see the inside when it opens.

  18. Neat pictures Marie. That place looks really intriguing. I would definitely want to get in there when it opens! Are you a first day open kind of person, or will you wait to see it a little later, if at all?

  19. Il n'y manque que les poissons et l'eau! il en faudra quelques litres et avec la sécheresse dans le midi, ils devront venir s'approvisionner chez nous, mes tonneuax débordent, débordent, quel gachis.....

  20. I suppose one should address to you in French, but I'm afraid Honoré de Balzac and all the great French writers would start mumbling about my so rusty French, so I'll just say it in English: beautiful photos and useful information.

    Des photos magnifiques et d' information qui sont utiles (c'est bien ou non?)

  21. J'espère que Marie n'est pas tombé dans un des bassins plus personne ne l'a vu depuis sa visite à l'aquarium.

    sharks are not nice

  22. Promis à mon prochain passage à Montpellier j'emmène les enfants le visiter !
    Car c'est bien connu dès que qu'un homme voit de l'eau ça le rend heureux (aqua rit hommme, et ça c'est pas du latin ;-)

  23. When I make it back to France, I will have to come to your town...seems like there is quite a lot to do!

  24. Merci Marie pour le lien et surtout bonne continuation dans l'animation de ce blog qui nous fait découvrir d'un autre œil notre belle ville de Montpellier.


  25. Thank a lot for all the pictures from Acquarium Mare Nostrum, a fantastic attraction on Montpellier :))

    ++++ Micky

  26. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
    And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

  27. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
    And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

