
samedi 30 juin 2007

An old door in the Ecusson

In the Ecusson, you will find a lot of famous hôtels particuliers whose inner courtyards sometimes include such architectural treasures as this old "door frame".

Click on the photo to see the details of the elements above the door. I need to inquire about their meaning.

Have a nice Sunday!

5 commentaires:

  1. It is the door of a private individual

    The great class. The bell is not electric

  2. Very nice picture. I like your work.

    Abraham Lincoln
    —Me as Moses—

  3. Treasure seems an understatement. Do post the meanings if you get them. I have often wondered about the meanings of architectural ornaments on buildings.

    I hack the "virtual porch" today on New Orleans Daily Photo

  4. une tres belle porte, avec de superbes sculptures dessus.

  5. Very interesting. Cool details! Very curious!

