
samedi 4 août 2007

Les Estivales

During the summer, people from Montpellier and tourists can spend their Friday evenings on the Esplanade, tasting wine (and drinking it), eating food produced in the region, buying books, listening to music, dancing, meeting local celebrities such as Patrice Canayer (the coach of our handball team, which is very good), etc.

I went last night. I didn't drink anything, I didn't eat, I didn't buy any books, I heard the music (which was a bit too loud) and I didn't dance. I took a photo of the coach.

But I was very happy to meet some of my old friends and colleagues. That was a very nice evening.

As you can see, it is difficult to get bored in Montpellier in the summer!

"Estival" is the adjective corresponding to the noun "été" which means "summer"......

14 commentaires:

  1. Summer always brings lots more festivals and outings doesn't it? Here we are celebrating our village feast this weekend.

  2. Summer visitors to the region, both tourists and those using their own holiday homes, are referred to as "estivants" -- and often with a slight air of disapproval of the summer parties and general carryings-on ("Ah, lala, les estivangs arrivent" in mid-july). The construction does exist in the English language, although it's rare. Just as animals that sleep all winter are said to hibernate, certain animals actually estivate.

  3. Now this looks like my kind of evening...a little bit of everything.

  4. I have fond memories of Montpelier as I finished a bike ride there. Bordeaux to Montpelier.

  5. Nice pictures, and at least you met old friends...
    Estival means exactly the same in Portuguese; but don't think we have anything for "estivants"!

  6. montpellier a toujours bien bougé par rappot a avignon qui s'enfonce comme un mvieux dortoir en dehors du festival

  7. I could easily spend an evening there and perhaps we could meet up and have a chat???

  8. Bonjour Marie, Estival - like a summer festival? It would be a pleasure to eat, drink and be merry with friends on a summer evening in Montpelier. I just know it would.

    So why didn't you eat or drink anything?

  9. Thank you very much for your comments.

    Expat, don't you have a blog or a website?

  10. It looks perfect. I assume that the esplanade is beside the river?
    A lovely summer's evening.

  11. My business website is I have a "family only" blogsite.


  12. Thank you for a lovely tour with sights, and sounds and smells of the Les Estivales"

  13. I'm still in winter hibernation Marie although some German tourists we saw on the weekend from Freiburg said that our winter is very much like their spring! You are so lucky to have such wonderful entertainment at the height of summer.

