
mercredi 30 avril 2008

ABC Wednesday.... O is for Château d'O

The Château d'O is one of the most beautiful domaines in Montpellier ! It belongs to the Conseil Général. Music and dance festivals, art exhibitions are organized there. There is also a théâtre on the domaine.

Please visit Mrs Nesbitt's place and the blogs participating in the ABC Wednesday...

13 commentaires:

  1. After reading your comment over on my blog I KNOW what you will be posting for Q! LOL!

  2. You made me laugh! I will post a photo of it if it is a success, which is not certain at all! Thank you very much for visiting my blog.

  3. This is a nice set of photos. I like the comments.

  4. Beautiful building - great collage.

  5. A really elegant O - wish it were mine! (only I wouldn't be able to keep it)

  6. Lui au moins c'est un vrai château .
    J'avais indiqué à mon neveu Belge qui habite Anvers, la rue où tourner pour venir chez moi : "c'est la rue où il y a un château d'eau", et lui cherchait un château, il se l'imaginait comme le tien!!
    C'est une vraie histoire Belge....
    Bon week end.

  7. je ne connaissais pas, il est très beau ce château.

  8. Great collage for O Marie! Lovely place.

  9. Lovely montage, and a wondefrul buliding.Perfect for O

  10. Beautiful photos! Great when you click on them and see them big!

