I met these goats on top of a hill in Cournonterral. When they saw me they placed themselves around the sheep as if they wanted to protect them. They had nothing to be afraid of as I am unable to kill a fly but maybe the lens of my camera reminded them of the robbers and hunters that pullulate in the area.
C'est presque vrai que ces chèvres observaient le ciel au-dessus de Cournonterral. A mon arrivée, elles se sont tournées vers mon objectif et se sont placées autour des brebis comme si elles voulaient les protéger. Ces dernières n'avaient pourtant rien à craindre de moi qui suis incapable de tuer une mouche (surtout depuis que j'ai entendu la chanson de Dick Hannegarn) mais peut-être que l'objectif de mon appareil leur rappelait les voleurs et les chasseurs qui pullulent dans le coin.
Je me demande si je peux participer à l'opération SkyWatch avec des photos de ce ciel au-dessus de la colline ???
Some good news: QuintTarantino is back on line. His wonderful blog, Not a secret blog, was erased by ill-intentioned people (I won't mention who they might be in order not to get attacked). You can find his new blog, Lenses & Visions here.
It is extremely disappointing to learn that thieves swarm, abound and proliferate in this wonderful countryside, Marie.
RépondreSupprimerAnimals have senses that humans could learn. Let's hope that they will be well protected in this lovely environment.
Tiens ! des chèvres qui protègent des brebis ! Curieux. Dans ton ciel au dessus de la colline, à droite j'y vois presue une tête de mouton. Marrant, non !
RépondreSupprimerMoi j'y vois plutôt une tête de caniche. Je n'aime pas les caniches, je n'aime pas ça du tout mais je ne leur ferais aucun mal.
RépondreSupprimerje me demande ce que vous avez bu claude et toi, moi je n'y vois qu'un nuage, mais peut être que je n'ai pas l'âme poète today.
RépondreSupprimerBon Weekend et bonne fête des mères.
et arrête de faire peur aux chèvres ;o)
How wonderful - I have never heard of animals protecting other animals.
RépondreSupprimerI have been looking for Quinto - and thought something terrible most have happened.
We have predators in the human world as well!!!but how sad that the animals are so scared of people
Hope you have a good weekend marie.
That is such a cool picture.
RépondreSupprimerYou have so many interesting things on your blog.
Are the goats kept for their milk? I love goats cheese...yummmo!!
RépondreSupprimerUn caniche blanc ressemble bien à un mouton, non ? J'ai eu les deux et là je vois plus une tête de mouton que celle d'un caniche, mais je ne veux pas te contrarier Marie ! Si tu dis que c'est un caniche, alors, c'est un caniche ! Bises !
RépondreSupprimerThe goats were close to a farm but they were not attached or in a fenced meadow. They were completely free.
RépondreSupprimerLes brebis et les caniches ayant les poils frisés, et n'aimant pas les caniches, j'accepte de me rallier à ton point de vue, Claude (lol).
Cabacurl, I don't know whether these goats were kept for their milk. Maybe they were used as guard dogs :-))
Marie, ATCs are small....6.4cm X 8.9cm. Quite the opposite of your friend's art! ATCs are the size of playing cards or trading cards eg football players etc. Artists make them and swap them, and NEVER sell them. It's lots of fun and very addicitve.
RépondreSupprimerIf you would like to know more, have a look here...
Your blog today is the second time I've read pullulate--the other was in the work of one of Mississippi's most esteemed authors, Willie Morris.
RépondreSupprimerI like this photo very much because you've captured an unusual event, to be sure--goats protecting sheep.
About the limos in my photo yesterday, they do appear to be flying in the photo, don't they?
This is a lovely shot of the animals.....I have no doubt you had fun doing this.