
mardi 3 août 2010

ABC Wednesday .............. C is for Caffe Trieste

I have already posted some photos of Caffe Trieste, which was close to the place where I stayed in San Francisco. A nice place where I met nice people....

J'ai déjà posté des photos du Caffe Trieste de San Francisco. Enfin, l'un des Caffe Trieste.... J'y ai bu du bon café (moi qui n'en bois pratiquement jamais en France) et j'y ai aussi rencontré des gens sympathiques.

Parlant de gens sympathiques, merci à Mrs. Nesbitt qui s'occupe si bien de l'opération ABC Wednesday.

19 commentaires:

  1. I love places with photos of the past like this. so much character and I'd imagine a good place to people-watch, something I love to do in France.

  2. j'avoue que je suis pas trop fan du café américain, j'en bois bcp en France, mais tres peu quand j'ai la chance d'aller a NYC (surtout ne jamais demande un cafe dans un resto ricain, c'est de l'eau noire, bahhh aucun gout). Mais c'est vrai que les Cafés ont fait des progrès en 10 ans.

  3. Sympa ce café. J'aime bien le mur placardé de cadres.
    Quand j'aurais reçu mon beau rosier Osiria que tu n'aimes pas, je peux t'envoyer celui que moi je n'aime pas par chronopost, si tu veux !!!

  4. Looks like a nice place to sit and chat and have a cup of coffee with friends! I like the wall with all of the old photos, as if the walls could speak!
    Best wishes,

    Anna's Cats

  5. salut marie. Tu donne franchement envie... J'y pense. Je suis tjrs à la recherche de mon pote Jean Pierre Brzechwa, dit Janusch, il doit vivre à San Francisco. Si tu le vois, passe lui le bonjour

  6. en fait, c'est lutinbleu, le fashion_love

  7. c'est sur, boire un expresso a la table ou Coppola a écrit le Parrain, cela mérite le détour et une photo

  8. Nice post for the C Week. Looks like a nice Comfortable place to set a spell and enjoy a Cup of Coffee.

  9. It does look nice! I like the mural.

  10. It looks lovely, Marie. A taste of home in San Francisco?

    I've missed so many posts (just don't have time to get to everyone every day) so I scrolled down through the latest and every one of them is noteworthy and delightful! I liked your comment about taking photos of your city or having to change the name of your blog! But, in one sense, the world is an extension of the place we call shooting wherever you are!

  11. Looks like a wonderful spot! :-D

  12. If I ever get to SF again...

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  13. Very that last painting.

  14. I hope you noticed the fabric on those banquettes; my wife sold it to them when she worked at a fabric store. They purchased quite a lot as I recall. I used to buy coffee beans there when I had lunch around the corner on Columbus Avenue at the Caffe Puccini (opera and Frank Sinatra on the jukebox, and the best minestrone ever). I love North Beach. And did you get to Cafe Jacqueline up the street? They are open for dinner only, and specialize in one thing: souffles. Entree souffles, dessert souffles, you name it they'll make you one.

  15. An excellent choice for "C" Wednesday.

  16. Except that I would have preferred advertising for your excellent coffee, Louis !

    Holy Cow coffee:

    Ron, now I remember that we talked about that when I was in Berkeley. I should have taken photos of the banquettes.

    Thank you to all of you for visiting and commenting on my blog.

  17. Je ne connais pas Vanessa mais je suis interressé par son lien. Merci pour l'info

  18. Merci pour l'info, ça m' si je ne connais pas Vanessa.

