
vendredi 17 décembre 2010

Sky Watch Friday.... between Montpellier and Castelnau

I took this photo of a traffic circle between La Pompignane and Castelnau-le-Lez last November. The sky was not blue, which is quite unusual here!

The number of traffic circles has increased a hundredfold in the past decades in this country. Some of them help but many of them are useless (in my opinion). I have been told that the EU gave money to mayors who installed traffic circles in their cities or towns. The latter (probably) explains the former :-)

Photo prise au rond-point entre Montpellier et Castelnau niveau pépinière Amarger. Pour une fois, le ciel était gris mais les fleurs du pépiniériste égayaient quand même l'endroit.

Sky Watch Friday blogs

13 commentaires:

  1. I like traffic circles becaise generally they are full of flowers and trees

  2. They have been adding traffic circles in the Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona area in recent years. We do not have traffic circles in our area of Costa Rica. There are no traffic lights in Tamairndo. In fact, the nearest traffic light is at least a half hour drive away.

    Traffic circles are better than a 4-way stop. ome people at 3-way stops when there is clearly no one coming from the other directions make a "rolling stop," which of course is illegal and risks a ticket if there is a policeman around.

  3. I only know one city in this part of Ohio that has a traffic circle and that is in Greenville, Ohio. It is used to allow 4 different streets and the traffic on them to go one-fourth the way around the circle and continue on the same street or to change to any of the remaining 3 streets. We think it is a fabulous idea and love it when we go there. Nobody has to stop.

  4. I think your traffic circle is a lot prettier than our traffic circle. At one time our traffic circle had the jail house located there. lol

  5. This is very nice,this is beautiful! Thanks!

  6. We have several here and I avoid them!

  7. C'est vrai que c'est super beau, de plus la photo est bien prise : il y a longtemps que je ne suis pas passée de ce côté...

  8. Aha, a roundabout which I believe is a French plan to undermine the sanity of Americans! Just kidding. But we've got 'em in Ocala! Would you believe that! I'm surprised there haven't been more accidents...

    But, what I really want to say is how much I like this photo - the colors (even without a blue sky) are magnificent...and your part of France must be very special!

    Re your question on Ocala: The gentleman was riding a three-wheeled Harley-Davidson motorcycle...three-wheelers are fairly popular here as they tend to more stable on the road.

    A bon week-end a tous. (I think that's right but I don't have the little thingys that go on top of some letters.)

  9. Il faut regarder ta photo l tête à l'envers pour voir un beau ciel !!!

  10. par ce temps gris, les fleurs ont des couleurs superbes, elles ressortent bien

