Two strange "animals" mounting guard in front of the Hare Krishna building (temple?) in Berkeley.
Weekend Reflections blogs
Ca rappelle le temps des hippies mais de prime abord l'accueil semble moins sympathique. Des lecteurs plus avertis que je ne le suis en matière de hare krishna-ité pourront peut-être nous dire qui sont ces étranges molosses qui montent la garde devant le bâtiment d'Hare Krishna à Berkeley.
Maybe those strange animals will go away if you give them a donation. I don't think so, though. I tried that once when I ran into some Hare Krishnas at the airport. They didn't go away. They came back for more!
RépondreSupprimerNah, just kidding!
Having fun in California?
interesting - they must hold some special significance for the Krishnas.
RépondreSupprimerI do not see (or hear) hare krishnas in Arizona. Maybe their heads would get too sunburned.
RépondreSupprimerI hope you are enjoying your stay in the Bay Area again. I still remember your photo last year of the parking spaces reserved for Nobel Prize winners. i mentioned your photo to a woman I met at a conference who works for Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, which is affiliated with U. Cal Berkeley. She said that they have something like 9 (I forget the exact number) Nobel winners just at their laboratory alone.
Ces animaux ne sont pas étranges, ce sont des lions déguisés en Mexicains, c'est tout.
RépondreSupprimerThose mustaches are awesome ! That is a very good idea of reflection ! Very original !
RépondreSupprimerD'après ce qu'on lit sur Internet: Half-man half-lion is the fourth of the personality of Lord Sri Krishna...
RépondreSupprimerAlain, pour des Mexicains ils ne sont pas très basanés, ah ah ah.