
mardi 22 mai 2012

Monday Murals..... in Vogüé, Ardèche

Photo of a mural, which I probably took at the entrance of the village of Vogüé, in 2007.

More Monday Murals photos on Oakland Daily Photo blog.

Il me semble bien avoir pris cette photo à l'entrée de Vogüé, en Ardèche, mais je n'en suis pas tout à fait certaine.

4 commentaires:

  1. I like the one walking away with his two baskets balanced over his shoulders.

  2. Extraordinaire, ce qu' on peut trouver dans un petit endroit comme Vogüé! Des artistes vivent dans le coin.

  3. This one seems like overlapping dreams. Don't know any of the cultural references, but it's still visually appealing. It really does challenge you to stop and study it. Glad you captured it and shared it with us. I'm pleased you joined us in this week's Monday Mural.

