
mercredi 10 septembre 2008

M. and Mme Benaut in Montpellier

M. and Mme Benaut, from Adelaide, were in Montpellier on Monday and Tuesday. They are wonderful people. We had such a nice time together but it was much too short. M. and Mme Benaut are happy together and that shows.

M. Benaut likes to take photos of lovely Mme Benaut and Mme Benaut likes to take photos of M. Benaut.

Who will have taken the best shots of the cathédrale de Maguelonne???

M. and Mme Benaut in Palavas les Flots...

On the plage de Maguelonne (beach), near the cathedral.

On the Mont Saint-Clair in Sète....

Our Australian friends left Montpellier yesterday at midday. They were going to Avignon....

22 commentaires:

  1. mais que fait le gouvernement, il y a une invasion de famille Benaut dans toute la France, il truste tous nos blogs ;o)).
    Superbe reportage sur cette visite de montpellier, on en déduit donc que tu es revenue des USA...pas trop dur...

  2. Marie

    thanks for your comment on Menton DP. I knew they had visited Montpellier but I thought you were perhaps still in America! Lovely photos of the Benauts. They saw Nathalie in Avignon last night, as you know. They are currently en route to me - about another hour and a half I'd say...thanks, Marie. Am glad to see you are back from the USA.

  3. Wow! Some folks really get around. Glad that you are back posting again!

  4. This is my first visit to your blog. Lovely! I got very confused by your New York photographs. Now I see you were visiting in the US. Looks like you had a lovely trip. I am sure having the Benauts visit was great fun for all of you. How nice to finally meet blog friends in person.

  5. I'm glad you're back. Bon retour, Marie. Do you need to find a new place to live?

  6. Yes, Expat, I do! I spent two days in Aveyron just after I returned but I think I won't move there in the next few months.... If you know of a closer place please let me know :-)

  7. C'est pas les Benaut c'est des dieux pour qu'ils apparaissent partout en même temps.

    Ils vont aller à Toulon je suppose c'est dans ce club qu'il y a le plus de joueurs australiens

  8. Marie,
    When you have time, come back for another visit and scroll back to my posts from last week. I did a 3 day salute to France ( in the south)! BTW I will be in Paris Nov. 16-23!!

  9. This is a nice set of photographs. I have seen this couple on several blogs and assume they are on tour of Europe from Australia. Nice photography.

    My granddaughter's portrait is over at Canon Pixels

  10. Beau reportage Marie sur les Benauts. Je vois qu'ils ont eu un séjour court mais ensoleillé à Montpellier. Ici la seule journée complète a été grise et Mme était légèrement souffrante. Je suppose qu'il t'ont raconté tout cela.
    Comme toi, j'ai trouvé que c'était des gens formidables. A suivre demain chez Nathalie !

  11. What a sweet couple. I love that beach, beautiful! Glad you had a nice visit with your friends. They always end much too quickly!

  12. OH! How fun, what a nice story line and accompanying photos! YAY!

    Marie, I am so sorry you are so tired and busy, busy and tired, WAHN!

    I hope things setttle and you are more relaxed. DOn't worry about blogging--have one less thing to worry about!

  13. Yes yes! VERY NICE! Nice couple, nice beach, nice views!

  14. google vendre maison meze herault

  15. I too thought you were in the States - glad you are home though I miss your photos from here!!!

    Lucky you to have had the famous Benauts with you. I still wait in hope!!!

    Maybe I will be the next visitor???

  16. It is so lovely to have blogger friends come visit! I love that.....and I did not go to son lives there and I am using some of his photos because I loved them!!!!
    I know you will catch up when you have a chance! I have been really busy as well!

  17. I have been folloing their journey. Happy to see them in one of my favourites cities in the world. Montpellier is a hiiden French gem.

  18. So glad you had the chance to enjoy the Benauts and they had time to visit with you. It looks like they were lucky with the weather and had a good time. This will be the largest photo collection anyone has ever taken. Not sure how they will get through all of the pictures!

  19. Bonjour Marie,

    J'étais venue sur ton blog la veille de leur arrivée à Avignon, mais comme tu postais des photos des USA, j'ai cru que tu étais absente et que les benaut ne te verraient pas.

    Ils m'ont bien sûr raconté leur belle expédition à Montpellier, leurs soucis avec la circulation et le bain tout habillé... que tu ne racontes pas ici!!! Dommage !!!
    Ian en riait encore !

  20. Les Benaut's auront quasiment fait un tour de France!
    Je constate que tu es rentrée après ta longue absence. Bon retour chez toi!

  21. It's been great fun to observe their travels. Good photos, Marie

