
mercredi 18 juillet 2007

The cherub and the lion

I like this statue of a cherub and a lion, which seem to be guarding the Jardins du Peyrou. Usually cherubs are obese but this one is handsome and almost thin. The lion looks young and powerful. I thought the statue dated to Louis 14th's time but actually it was made by sculptor Injalbert in the 19th century and was installed in le Peyrou in 1883. Its name is "L'Amour domptant la Force (love taming strength). On the other side of the gate, there is another statue called La Force domptant l'Amour (strength taming love). I need to photograph the second statue.

By the way, in France, "young lions" are younger socialist leaders, whereas those of the previous generation are called "elephants." The lions want to drive the elephants away from their positions, but the elephants stick to them. I don't think French right-wing politicians are compared to animals...

I found the information regarding the statue on the site Montpellier Histoire.

7 commentaires:

  1. I like your cherub with his lion. They both look like they are having a very pleasant time together.

    I think to describe politicians using animals is a very good one. I can think of some other animals that would describe some politicians too, some which are not at all flattering - for the animals!!!!!

  2. I LOVED your photo from yesterday, the rose wine. I also love that 'young lions' is such a strong, confident reference. Politicians?? Animals?? Hoping not to insult animals [ sorry Jules...someone had to do it ;) ].....donkey, ass, ostrich, at least here in Australia!

  3. notre maire/depute d'evry, mister valls, fait parti des jeunes lions du PS (j'aime bien jeune, oui on a le meme age ;o) ).
    Belles statues du temps passés, elles ont du charmes.

  4. Wonderful statue.

    Please stop by my site tomorrow, it will be my 100th post.

  5. Bjr
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  6. I love statues and these are very nice. Nice -our politicians are either Republican Elephants or Democratic Donkeys..appropriate I think. (or Liberals) free choice after all!

  7. Merci bien à tous. Thank you very much for your comments.

    Olivier, un merci spécial à toi. J'imprime ça......

