
samedi 28 juillet 2007

Patrick Dubost

You are going to think that I have strange ideas, maybe. I like this photo of poet Patrick Dubost whom I heard reading some of his poems last Thursday. I like the composition, the geometry, the colors, the light, the poet's right hand :-) and the lines he was declaiming in a very particular way, accompanied by a musician.

Actually this photo was not taken in Montpellier but in Lodève (40 minutes from Montpellier). I am cheating a little, again. Patrick Dubost was the poet I liked best at the festival of poetry called "Les Voix de la Méditerranée."

The other poets I heard were from foreign countries. They read some of their poems in their mother tongue and then somebody read a translation. That was rather boring. I think some poems should not be translated.

7 commentaires:

  1. I had not heard of Patrick Dubost - but now I know about him thanks to you. That is what is so great about blogging - we learn so much about the world ....oh and we make new friends!!!!

    Your library is the most stunning I have seen - the design and the glass are amazing!!!

  2. I do really like the color and composition of this picture and I probably would have liked the poetry as well. I am sometimes bored with translations and sometimes like them. I like yours, LOL!

  3. I agree with you on the composition, the angles line up -- this arm the umbrella, the shadow. And the yellow umbrella seems to force you into the subject.

    -- steve buser
    New Oleans Daily Photo
    is 100 (posts) today.

  4. It would seem that Patrick Dubost is an acclaimed poet and has been held in high regard for many years, or at least since 2004 (at the Lille literature festival).
    You must have been very pleased to be part of this event in Lodève.
    I agree that translations of poetry can leave much to be desired.

  5. Beautiful photo; love the yellow and would like to have heard the poetry. We have a Montpellier area in Cheltenham!

  6. un festival de poesie, cela doit etre sympathique, et puis c'est assez rate, j'avoue que j'en connais aucun dans la region parisienne. A part si tu consideres le Slam comme de la poesie (pour certain j'en suis sur c'est des vrais poetes). et apres il y avait des debats avec les poetes ?

  7. Veuillez ne pas dire M. Dubost qu'il a un rival en Australie. Il sera très fâché.
    J'ai espéré vous faire le rire, après votre week-end de travail dur.

