
lundi 30 juillet 2007

Swimming pool

The Olympic swimming pool, which is close to the médiathèque Emile Zola in Antigone, is also a glass building. But its walls are not as transparent as the walls of the médiathèque.

It looks a bit like a big ship. You can see the whole building on Structurae :

7 commentaires:

  1. les glaces permettent de beau reflet, en voila la preuve. Vu sur le lien, elle a une belle architecture.

  2. I wonder if the same Architect designed both buildings. But no, the glass on the second one, il est un peu inférieur? One can not see any trams in the reflection !!

  3. Je comprends, maintenant. Rue Poséidon. Poséidon est le dieu grec des mers et des océans mais pas des trams.
    Ce sera l'explication

  4. Oh, M. Benaut, I will post a photo of the swimming pool, which is really a beautiful building, with the reflection of many trams on its glass walls. There is a tram stop along the swimming pool. Do you know that we have two different trams. I need to post photos of them. We will have a third one in a few years. This third one has been designed by Christian Lacroix. Very bourgeois and very expensive for a socialist city :-))

  5. Oh, tres jolie! Very pretty, it looks like a painting, I love the reflections!

  6. I made a post about these trams, did you read them ? And all my photos are free of use, you can pick them (juste make a link which my post).

  7. Thank you very much, Bellelurette!

    I too have written a (funny) post about the trams, on my other blog (in French):

