
lundi 13 août 2007


I sometimes drink tap water but I prefer the water of the spring in Fontcaude, a neighborhood of a village close to Montpellier. One can walk to the spring from La Paillade, the northern part of Montpellier.

John Locke mentions Fontcaude in his Journal (1675) and that's how I learned about it. In the 19th century there were thermal baths in Fontcaude. The now decaying buildings were certainly very beautiful two centuries ago. The present mayor would like to build new ones.

The water is said to be very good for women, and especially for their skin. A lady I met near the spring told me drinking that water was as "effective" as having a facelift.

The lady in the photo is my friend Evelyne.

The name Fontcaude is derived from the Latin fons cauda, which means hot spring.

16 commentaires:

  1. This is a nice post and interesting reading too. Springs are popular here and one has been running since this area was first settled several hundred years ago. However, the state put a sign by it saying that it could be contaminated and that the state would not be responsible for death or injury. Well, there are still lines of people in cars with gallon jugs filling them with water every day.

    Brookville Daily Photo

  2. Voila, encore tout pour les femmes, et rien pour les hommes ;o).
    Merci pour l'histoire.
    Dans toutes ces histoires d'eaux de sources, le plus important c'est la legende et d'y croire tres tres tres fort ;o)

  3. Bonjour, que je suis contigu que tu m'as visitée ! Dans la droite du blog, il y a un bouton qui permet de traduire à français. Baisers. Je t'attends. Beaux paysages.

  4. The water of Fontcaude is constantly "under surveillance." I mean they check it on a regular basis. So far there has been no problem.

    Non, Olivier, c'est connu que l'eau de Fontcaude est bienfaisante. :-)

    Merci Monica. Je vais aller traduire.

  5. Marie - you obviously use this water!!! I think you could bottle it and sell it to us - a face lift would be great if it came in a bottle.
    Can I have a case?

  6. I am with Jules...a case or two! Loved reading about this. You have so much information. How'd your presentation go?

  7. Is the water hot?

    Lovely buildings, very interesting.

    Wouldn't it be nice if the water did make you young? Send some here!

  8. I love the water...from springs. These are wonderful pictures, and I love the way to tell us about them.

  9. Wow how great to conect things like that from so long ago. What were you reading. I just finshed the Count of Monte Cristo and enjoyed every bit.

  10. Do you have to pay to access this spring water?

  11. the structure in the second picture .. hmm looks very interesting. what was it? Natural water is the best of course and has it's benefits. Tap water is not natural water.

  12. Oh no, Cabacurl, it is free. You can go and take as much water as you want. I hope it will stay so.

    The water is warm. When it is hot outside you don't notice it. But in the winter you do!

    Pecos blue, I read books about Montpellier for the moment. In a few days or weeks when things get smoother in my life, I intend to read Abraham Lincoln's book.

    Many thanks to all of you for your comments :-))

  13. Tout d'abord: Bonne fête Marie, le 15 août en France, c'est la fête des Maries.Quand je suis allée au Québec voir les baleines, l'une d'elles m'a envoyé son souffle au visage et la légende aussi dit que c'est bon pour les rides.. mais 27 ans après elles sont bien là quand même.

  14. I think I should drink some of the water there. I need some facelift lol :P

  15. I don't think you need it, Emily :-))

