
lundi 20 août 2007

Port Ariane

I took these photos in Port Ariane, a marina located in Lattes, the closest village to Montpellier. Montpellier and Lattes used to be rival "cities" but the new mayor of Lattes more or less agrees with ours now. Port Ariane was built in reference to Port Marianne in Montpellier. Or vice versa. Our former mayor wanted to connect Montpellier to the sea.

I think Montpellier and the sea will eventually be connected through concrete buildings, not by boats :-))

I am going to Ardèche tomorrow morning. I will be back on next Monday. I will miss visiting your blogs and reading your comments on mine.

13 commentaires:

  1. Thank you very much Cabacurl. I am leaving now :-))

  2. Hope you're feeling better Marie. These are lovely photos. Port Ariane looks gorgeous.

  3. double post le meme jour c'est noel avant l'heure. Je ne vais que repeter les commentaires precedant, superbe port, mais j'adore la derniere photo avec la girafe ;o))

  4. Lovely shots. Marie.
    I hope the giraffes in the Ardèche are friendly and make you most welcome there.

  5. Enfin du soleil, du moins en photos!!.

  6. Have a nice trip. I love the boats...they look lovely.

  7. Beuatiful port. The water so calm. Have a wonderful time Marie.

  8. Ah, Les Gorges d?Ardèche, one of my favourite posts. Hope you have a nice time there!
    I’m taking a holiday in Greece, provided the fires allow me to, so won't be able to post and comment till mid-September. I'll miss you Meanwhile I leave you in Bali at Blogtrotter. Enjoy!

  9. Nous avions alimenté vos giraffes, alors que vous avez été en vacances

  10. Thank you very very much to all of you for your comments...... I am back, snif snif.

