
mardi 28 août 2007


I came back from Ardèche yesterday. I love it there. It is such a beautiful region and life is more peaceful there than it is in Montpellier...

Just before I left for Ardèche last week, I realized that I could see windmills from my balcony, in the distance. I had never noticed them before.

I don't mind windmills at all. Many people don't like them as they are said to be noisy. I find them beautiful and I like the idea of "clean energy."

They don't destroy the environment. If they need to be removed for some reason, the land will be intact.

The first photo was taken from my balcony in Montpellier. The big "boat" in the foreground is the Corum (opera and congress hall). You will need to open the photo to see the windmills in the background.

I took the other photos in Ardèche (I'm cheating again :-).

I will visit my friends' blogs later today. I am overwhelmed with things to do today. That's the other side of the coin :-)

11 commentaires:

  1. ce pont naturel est magnifique, merci pour la ballade

  2. Merci Olivier. Tu ne connais pas Vallon Pont d'Arc? Je n'y étais jamais allée. Les gorges de l'Ardèche, c'est magnifique vraiment.

  3. Welcome back my friend - i missed your posts and your visits to rabaul.

    What a beautiful spot you have been visiting - i like to see the places that you go to - other than my favourite Mont.

  4. That river valley is beautiful.

    I also appreciate the windmills and the creation of energy in such a clean fashion.

  5. These are all such beautiful views, windmills and all.

  6. I like your photos, Marie. It looks like you did a good job with the camera. And I also like the windmills. We all need better sources of energy and this is one of them.

    Thanks too for taking the time to visit my blog and comment there. I appreciate that.

  7. Les gorges de l'Ardèche sont magnifiques, je les ai descendues en canoé sur 8 kms, et à 500m de l'arrivée je me suis retournée!! alors que je venais de faire du rafting sur le Colorado et que là je suis restée dans le bateau!!!

  8. Ah ah Lyliane vous m'avez fait rire. Du coup, je n'oserai jamais descendre les gorges en canoe. Vu de haut ça semble pourtant bien facile :-))

  9. I don't mine the windmills either but you are right....many people do mind them...say they are ugly...but I don't think so especially what you get from them...clean takes a long time for some people to get on board! very beautiful

  10. We have some windfarms near me and I am itching to see them in person.

