
jeudi 27 septembre 2007

Fontaine Putanelle

In his Journal, John Locke mentions the Fontaine Putanelle several times. During the few years he spent in Montpellier, he used to conduct physics experiments in that fountain.

The name "Putanelle" might mean that prostitutes used to gather near the fountain. But I am sure it is not to meet them that Locke went there.

The first two photos show the fountain as it is now. After my translation into French of the part of the Journal devoted to Montpellier and Languedoc was published in 2005, it was announced, in Le Midi Libre, that the fountain was going to be restored. I hope the people at the city hall will keep their promise.

I have written two posts about the fountain on my other blog (Marie's weblog):

Dans son Journal, John Locke mentionne la Fontaine Putanelle à plusieurs reprises. Au cours des quelques années qu'il a passées à Montpellier, il a effectué des expériences de physique dans cette fontaine.

Le nom "Putanelle" pourrait vouloir dire que des prostituées se réunissaient près de la fontaine. Mais je suis sûre que ce n'est pas pour les rencontrer que John Locke y allait.

Les deux premières photos montrent la fontaine telle qu'elle est à l'heure actuelle. Après que ma traduction en français de la partie du Journal consacrée à Montpellier et au Languedoc eut été publiée en 2005, on a annoncé dans le Midi Libre que la fontaine allait être restaurée. J'espère que la mairie va tenir sa promesse.

J'ai écrit deux posts sur la fontaine sur mon autre blog (Marie's weblog) :

13 commentaires:

  1. Hi Marie - guess who??? It's me in Vietnam!!! Am in Sapa in the lobby and thought I'd catch up quickly with you.

    Having a wonderful time - scenery is fabulous and the people sooo nice!!!!

    Cheers Jules

  2. I do so hope the fountain and its surroundings will be restored.

    Also, about your post from the day before, did you taste any of the wine in the cans? I cannot imagine how it would taste.

    Thanks so much for visiting Portland (OR) Daily Photo and for tellling me about the murals in Montpellier.

  3. c'est vrai que les tags sont pas jolis
    Je signe la pétition pour la restauration où ?

  4. Hi Marie...I love the sketch, it's exquisite...however the modern type "art" is so very sad on such a lovey fountain.

  5. Thank you very much for your comments.

    Lynette, I didn't taste the wine in the can. I think these cans are "aimed" at young people who drink canned beer and alcoholic beverages. In a way, that's sad. Winegrowers have a lot of problems and they are trying to find new ways to sell their production.

    Je ne pense pas qu'il y ait de pétition, Bergson. Les gens qui s'intéressent à l'histoire, il n'y en a pas des masses. En ces temps de précampagne électorale, ce ne sont pas eux qu'on va favoriser en priorité :-))

    Wanda, it is very difficult to fight against graffiti "drawers."

  6. dommage la fontaine est massacré par des tags ...c'est bien si la mairie la restaure

  7. Marie, even if the fountain is restored as promised, what's to prevent the graffiti "artists" from striking again?
    C'est dommage!

  8. It would be wonderful to have it restored. It looks so pretty the way it was with the trees in front.

  9. le avant/apres est impressionnant. Le dessin est magnifique, les graffitis beaucoup moins. j'espere en effet que la mairie va tenir parole et ne pas faire comme celle d'evry qui au lieu de restaurer un escalier/fontaine de d'amado, a preferer le detruire et en faire un escalier banal à pleurer a la place ;o(((

  10. A restoration would be nice. That and a swift kick in the pants for those who defaced the fountain to begin with.

  11. OH! I do so hope that is WILL be restores, that would be wonderful. How sad to see it like that. An interesting story.

  12. I am always suprised by the amount of graffiti even in the rural areas. It seems such a shame

