
lundi 22 octobre 2007


Graphes or graffs, that is the way we call those graffiti that are drawn on so many walls in Montpellier. Some of them are nice. A lot of them are ugly. The graphe in the photo was on the wall of an old mazet (a sort of cabin that you can see in vineyards) that was pulled down a few months ago. If you come to Montpellier you won't be able to see it, since it has vanished with the mazet and the vineyard. Instead you will probably see a tall concrete building. That's what we still call progress.

12 commentaires:

  1. I find graffiti very interesting. Some of it is indeed ugly and messy, but this one with the vines is quite nice. Cool capture. Too bad it was ephemeral.

  2. It was not quite ephemeral, Mary, since I have "immortalized" it :-))

  3. I love this one - looks like it was meant to be there!!!

  4. Je pensais que c'était une tête d'arborigène australien peinte pour la coupe du monde de rugby.J'ai supprimé le commentaire sur mon blog, c'est une personne portugaise, il a du voir que je parlais de son pays, donc il a commenté, il est mal tombé, car j'adore les américains et l'amérique, et je ne fait pas de politique.

  5. Oh, no! Please say it isn't so...the vinyard is gone in favor of some apartment buildings?

    I find this graphe very fitting for a mazet.

  6. Sometimes progress seems quite horrible, doesn't it.

    I think you will miss this graffiti.

    It seems that kaki is the botanical name for one variety of persimmon.

  7. I have to agree with jules....I thought it look like it was in place!


  8. C'est toujours triste, voir un visage si heureux disparaître.

  9. Montpellier gave Europe one of its most famous graffiti artists, a guy who makes Space Invaders characters out of mosaic tiles and posts them all over the place. There are a couple in Berlin that I know of, and I found more in Paris.

  10. This is my first visit and I enjoyed your blog very much. Great photos. connie from Texas

  11. Marie, are they books you are currently reading, down the RH side of your blog?
    I found it fascinating reading Ed Ward's comment..thanks Ed :-)

  12. Graffiti is an interesting form of art don't you think...

