This is typically French, isn't it? Demonstrations, strikes.... Do you have those in your country?
I took these photos and a lot of other ones last year when people demonstrated against the CPE (a decision the governement wanted to take but which they gave up quickly).
Yes we do... and sometimes they have their reasons...
RépondreSupprimerBONNE ANÉ.
In PNG strikes are not very common but they do happen - recently the power workers went out.
RépondreSupprimerNot in my little town, but a lot of them happen in San Francisco.
RépondreSupprimerA Evry, comme c'est la préfecture de l'essonne, nous avons droit a pas mal de manifestation.
RépondreSupprimerPour répondre a ta question, ce que je fais le Weekend ;o) tout simplement j'éteins mon ordinateur, mes weekend (sauf exception) sont sans ordinateurs, il faut savoir décrocher ;o))
Marie, mon blogue personnel est le NOT A SECRET. L' autre est un project colectif maintenant.