The façade of the "droguerie Vitroly Estoul" (hardware store), place Castellane, is one of the oldest in Montpellier. No flashy plastic boards and no concrete there. It is made of wood exclusively. It has not changed in decades. Unfortunately enough, a few thugs have damaged it with their graffiti.
In this store you can find almost everything, from tea, soap, bags, perfumes to models, especially models of boats and planes.
La façade de la droguerie Vitroly Estoul, place Castellane, est l'une des plus anciennes de Montpellier. Pas de plastique et pas de béton. Elle est tout en bois. Elle n'a pas changé depuis des dizaines d'années. Malheureusement des voyous l'ont abîmée en y "apposant" leur graffiti.
Dans ce magasin, on trouve presque tout, du thé, du savon, des sacs, des parfums et des maquettes, particulièrement des maquettes de bateaux et d'avions.
What a lovely photo....too bad about the graffiti....I love shopping at the hardware stores here that are small and privately owned...they have everything as well!..and about my photo today..no, it is not in black and white..it just looks that way due to the snowstorm!
RépondreSupprimerSounds like a neat place to browse around.
RépondreSupprimerJe mappel Greg. Mon Pere "Gardener Greg" a visite votre blog. Je ne parle pas bon francais. Je suis un eleve de francais.
O.K. sorry,
My dad just wanted me to prove that I can speak French. My spelling is probably way off. I am also intrested in agriculture. We have a small plant business in South Carolina, USA.
Sounds like my kind of store. Love soaps and teas.
RépondreSupprimerEven with the graffiti, that is a really neat looking place, very intriguing.
RépondreSupprimerMarie, this is another destination to add to my list.
RépondreSupprimerIt looks wonderful. And to roam around inside would be tremendous fun, too.
I hope the exterior will be restored and the hooligans, guillotined !
I must say it looks like it stepped out of the Middle Ages. It looks like history alive. I like it because it is something like the stores we used to have here where I live back during World War II.
RépondreSupprimerWonderful to see old buildings. I love that! Thank you. Yes, too bad about the graffiti.
RépondreSupprimerMarie, I don't think that too many hardware stores here sell perfume and soaps! Must be a wonderful place to visit and browse.
RépondreSupprimerAn old fashion store... it's a pity they are getting lost, no?
RépondreSupprimerBy the way, let me wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR and that all of your dreams come true!
Feliz Ano Novo (Portuguese)
RépondreSupprimerHappy New Year.
tout en bois, c'est superbe (et cela devient rare). Pour les tags, les gens sont c..s. A Evry aussi on trouve des tags partout, en plus d'etre stupide, 90% c'est totalement laid ;o(