This is a stoup (un bénitier). It is in marble and it is one of the stoups in Saint-Roch Church. As I probably already mentioned, Saint Roch is the patron saint of Montpellier.
Can you see what there is in the stoup ? There is a frog (une grenouille) in it. The frog is in white marble. On August 16th, during the procession, a priest talked about the reason why there is a frog in the stoup. I have forgotten what he said but I will ask M. Lopez. He knows everything about Montpellier.
Do you know how we call "churchy old people" in French ? We call them "grenouilles de bénitier" (literally stoup frogs). Our grenouilles de bénitier are not necessarily old!
I enjoyed looking through your posts. Many very nice and interesting photos. Thanks.
I wish I knew French...but it looks like old preachers are a frog in the soup bowl!! :) Bad translation, yes?? ((smile))
RépondreSupprimerTrès beau bénitier ! J'en ai vu qq uns dans ma vie mais avec une grenouille dedans, jamais ! Ou je ne m'en rappelle pas !
RépondreSupprimerWell I'm learning so much. And I love frogs. Love that churchy old people are called grenouilles de bénitier!
RépondreSupprimerWhat a beautiful stoup too. I'd didn't know this was called a stoup either!
il est superbe ce bénitier, et j'en aime l'humour avec cette grenouille. En cherchant sur Internet, j'ai trouve une autre explication pour cette expression
RépondreSupprimer"cette expression fait allusion aussi aux grenouilles qui coassent dans leur marigot."
It seems to bring back memory of my grandma who used to keep many marble totems like that!
RépondreSupprimerSuper little frog, very interesting! Nice colors too.
RépondreSupprimerOn your other blog, I tried to leave a comment about the most recent post but couldn't figure out the question you have to answer.
Here is what I said:
Cute, I want an outfit just like that. (LOL!)
I also awarded you a blogger buddy award on NPC.
What a sweet story. I am delight to learn about stoup frogs! Thanks!