"Point of View" is the name of this statue (or group of statues) that has been installed next to the Médiathèque Emile Zola. It was inaugurated in last November, in the presence of the sculptor, Tony Cragg. The sculpture has cost 716,000 euros, installation not included (I mention this as the price was indicated in the most recent city hall newspaper).
Some people think they look like the Moai statues of Easter Island (Ile de Pâques). Others think they look like very long f..... What do you think ?
Lovely image. Really interesting statues!
RépondreSupprimerPat's Photos
Guelph Daily Photo
Photography Cafe
marie - regarding the problem you mentioned in a comment on my Hyde DP blog - I have a good idea where your problem lies and what will fix it very simply -- the answer has been posted on the forum but if you can't locate it, contact me privately either via the forum or my website http://ackworthborn.blogspot.com/ and I'll put you straight.
RépondreSupprimeroops - thelink to my website with the contact page is http://www.geraldengland.co.uk/ - don't know how it pasted the other!
RépondreSupprimersurprenante ces statues, on dirait des pieces d'echec totalement stone. j'adore ce genre de sculpture
RépondreSupprimerInteresting statues, nice photos.
RépondreSupprimerWell, they are certainly very interesting! Thought-provoking, I like them. My grandfather used to have a lathe and did fancy spindles and other wooden items, but nothing this exotic.
RépondreSupprimerElles sont curieuses, on les dirait faites en bois exotique.
RépondreSupprimerThey seem to be exclaiming, demanding one listen. But I'm not sure what I'm hearing, or seeing either.
RépondreSupprimerInteresting statue and interesting fact too.
RépondreSupprimerj'aime pas trop "tes" statues Marie mais je comprend pas toujours l'art.
RépondreSupprimerdes phallus mal dressé ?
quelque fois j'aimerai connaître la pensée du sculpteur
I Marie - love these - they look like they are made of chocolate!!!
RépondreSupprimerI so love frogs so your post yesterday was such fun!!!
(Olivier va encore dire que je n'ai pas les goûts que lui)
RépondreSupprimerEffectivement elles ont une légère ressemblance avec les statues NATURELLES DE l'ILE DE PAQUES, qui elles, n'ont pas côuté un euro.
Je ne les trouve pas si vilaines que cela mais je préfères les arbres extotiques.
Je ne sais pas si tu connais le petit Village de Sérignan près de Béziers, mais le maire de l'époque a jugé bon de faire mettre une oeuvre de Buren. Mais qu'est-ce qu'ils tous !!!
Today I published my last 2007 post. I'm off to warmer climes for a few weeks, Marie. I'll be back around mid Jan.
RépondreSupprimerWishing you the loveliest holidays and a promising New Year filled with excitement and happiness. :)
Les Moaï statues monumentales en l'Île de Pâques ne sont pas aussi agressifs dans l'aspect que ceux à Montpellier.
RépondreSupprimerLeur aspect (ceux près du Médiathèque), est plus comme votre deuxième suggestion.
Jules, je suis désolé de dire ceci !
I expected no less from you, m.benaut!
RépondreSupprimerI've been to Easter Island and don't think these look like Moais at all. Perhaps, as Olivier suggests, crumbling piles of checks pieces...
I like them anyway!
I was strugling how to describe them until I saw Jules comment. Definite chocolate sticks.
RépondreSupprimer--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
I'll go with Easter Island.
RépondreSupprimerThanks for your kind words on my blog!
Those things are neat looking, and a little bizarre. I agree though, that in some angles they look like the Easter Island statues.
Oh Marie, I fell about at what you say some people think they look like!
RépondreSupprimerSet as they are amidst the palm trees they sort of work. I'd probably want to take long looks (neck stretched) to see what they are all about. They are strange tho and rather disquieting. Not sure I could say I like them.
I left a message for you on Menton DP but yes, those photographs were taken on the 12th, two days ago. We are having glorious weather at the moment but when the sun goes down, then it's chilly. We had what was probably the edges of a Mistral a few days ago, which blew all the muck away, hence those blue skies.
I think they look like they are going to fall over!!! But very interesting to look at!! :)
RépondreSupprimerVery nice statues, but again I love modern art placed in public places, also for the reactions they provoke. This reminds me about the polemic created some years ago when Freches, then the mayor of Montpellier decided to place the big M at one of the main entry point in the city. It also cost an awful lot of money, but it is still standing now and one of the landmarks. Now, the price is excessive, and I'd like to think that the city is not increasing its debt by displaying this kind of thing. Money should be better invested in making life easier for many people. I hope this is privately financed.....
RépondreSupprimerI would have thought they were very "erotic" ...can't say that I like them all that much, though.