
samedi 15 décembre 2007


It has snowed in Montpellier today. I took these photos in the early afternoon. We had not seen snow in years here!

It snowed for an hour. The snow melted after another hour, and then the sun shone again.

22 commentaires:

  1. Well, I see you did get some snow. And I am sorry it melted. We got lots of snow all day. Then tonight it is raining on the snow and then will turn colder and we will get more snow tonight and tomorrow. So we will have a bigger mess tomorrow.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. That´s nice... loved to see the photos. Here in Portugal it's very cold, but even so the sun still shined today.

  3. Well Marie, the only think prettier than your pink apartment building, is your pink apartment building in the snow..that is so lovely! Wish I was there!! :)

  4. What a lovely Christmas-season gift for you and all Montpellier residents. Lovely scene, lovely city.

  5. Nice photos.
    I love snow but in Portugal thats a rare element.

  6. Oh wonderful, Marie! We were promised snow for today but it didn't arrive. Instead we had a tempete - see Menton DP - so not always nice in Menton!

    nice photo.

  7. You are truly blessed and lucky, Marie.
    Here, we have the opposite. The days are in the mid 20's to mid 30's and soon we will have up to 40 C again.
    J'aimerais vraiment revoir la neige. Mais la France, août prochain sera chaude ?
    Et plus, je suis grand-père, encore. J'ai un nouveau bébé, petite-fille en Suisse. Nous sommes tous au-dessus de la lune ! !

  8. Love your pics Marie. I think that you just experienced the perfect winter day, snowy but not too much followed by glorious clear skies.

  9. Quelques flocons de neige avant le soleil ! Même à Montpellier, Why not ? Ici toujours pas de neige, et on se les gèle toujours !

  10. This is very pretty.....even though we get lots of snow....I still love it! Are you all ready for Christmas?

  11. Enfin il fait froid à Montpellier ;-)
    il n'y a pas de raison (un jaloux)

    Bon pour l'ouverture des pistes ça fera un peu juste.

  12. It hasn't been so very long since the last snow. I was in Montpellier in January 2006 and it snowed then. I could hardly recognise the streets of Lodève, under about 8 cm of nasty slush. What's the French word for slush, please?

  13. We have the same crappy weather here. It's snowing and icy.

  14. If it snowed last year, that must have been while I was in South Africa... We don't have a word for slush. We say neige fondue (=melted snow). It would be more appropriate to say neige fondante (=melting snow).

    Bergson, tu rigoles mais on a un candidat très sympa à l'élection municipale qui veut créer une piste de ski à la Paillade !

  15. Thank you to all of you for commenting on this post :-)

  16. J'avais entendu qu'il y avait de la neige dans le midi, c'est le monde à l'envers,ici il fait froid mais beau.

  17. Montpellier sous la neige, c'est superbe, chaque année je rêve qu'il neige à Évry, mais l'année dernière juste une demi journée...
    La neige est restée ?

  18. Pretty snow pictures. We have a foot of snow here.

  19. Wonderful to see the snow and then have it disappear and have sunshine to follow. So many seasons in one day. Nothing like contrast to make one appreciate the finer points of nature, Marie. Lovely photos dear.

  20. It is so pretty! Last year in Seguin, Texas, we got snow for about 15 minutes on Christmas Eve. And then it stopped so there was only a light dusting of snow on the ground but it was still magical.

  21. Nice photo!

    FELIZ NATAL (in Portuguese)

