Yum-yum! That's what most French people will say at the evocation of foie gras, Sauternes, smoked salmon, oysters, capon, champagne and chocolate.
I don't eat and drink much of this good stuff as my stomach is so sensitive and also because I don't want to put on weight...
But yesterday I salivated in front of this stall full of produce of the Périgord.
yummy indeed! =)
RépondreSupprimerwishing you and your family the love, blessings, and warmest cheers of the holidays. mErRy ChRiStMaS!!!
i heart manila
I always enjoy your posts Marie!
RépondreSupprimerWarm wishes to you and yours for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Marie, and yum-yum with champagne, oysters, escudella catalana and turron.
RépondreSupprimerBon Nadal i un feliç any 2.008
Hi Marie! Be justa LITTLE indulgent!
RépondreSupprimerFestive greetings of the season, whatever the festival or season means for you! I don’t get much time these days to visit and leave comments for all my bloggy friends…but love catching up with pics when I can.
Merry Christmas Marie!
RépondreSupprimerWith all that stuff (and some caviar on the top), my diet will certainly go bust; I'll think about on January 2nd... ;))
Have a great day!
And a merry Christmas to you Marie and thanks for sharing your Montpellier with us. One day, one day, one day - I'll visit.
RépondreSupprimerMeanwhile many thanks for your visits to Menton DP and Monte Carlo DP. Really appreciate all your comments.
Thanks for all the comments exchanged during this year through our blogs.
RépondreSupprimerMerry Christmas
j'ai pas fais yum-yum mais j'ai bien mangé !
RépondreSupprimeraller sport dès demain
Oh... who cares... afterall we are between Christmas and New Year... so let's all have some of those yummies...
RépondreSupprimerpour ce que je voies, tu as du passer un tres bon repas de neol ;o) j'espere que le pere noel a ete sympathique avec toi et que tu as recu plein de cadeaux et d'amours de noel
RépondreSupprimerTout ce qu'il faut pour bien boire et manger au moment des Fêtes ! On va faire un petit break jusqu'à la semaine prochaine !