
mercredi 23 juillet 2008


I have not forgotten my blogger friends and my blog but I have spent a few wonderful days in Massachusetts (this is the most difficult English word for French people to pronounce). I thought I was in heaven. To tell the truth I will be very sad, very depressed, very despaired to leave this country and return to France in a month and a week :-))

Maybe I should look for an older farmer living in the middle of nowhere in Massachusetts (which I had never been able to spell before) (lol).

The first photo shows The Mount,Edith Wharton's house in Lenox. The bunny was photographed in the park.

15 commentaires:

  1. regarde plus tot le verre a moitié plein, il te reste encore 1 mois et une semaine dans ce beau pays.
    La maison et le jardin sont superbes.

  2. Its a great country. I didn't want to leave New York and I was only there for 4 days!

    I like these shots, especially the bunny :)

  3. C'est un état verdoyant,les lapins y sont heureux et toi aussi, tu as de la chance, profite en bien.

  4. Were you in the Berkshires? I LOVE the Berkshires of Massachusetts! There must be loving American men who would welcome a sweetheart like you! LOL! (Really!) :-D

  5. The bunny is adorable!

    Massachusetts is cold in the winter, though!

  6. Tuiens, je vais changer la chanson de mon blog ! Si je trouve la chanson ! Tu n'as qu'à venir écouter !

  7. Je ne trouve pas que ce mot soit beaucoup plus difficile à prononcer que tous les autres.

    Bonne fin de bouteille comme dit olivier

  8. Hmmm, I always thought "chrysanthemum" was the hardest word for the french tongue to wrap around. The counterpart is "serrurerie".

  9. Espérons qu'on est tombé pour vous, aussi, vous retentissent pour être heureux et se détendant.

  10. I most admit I haven't been there but I have been to France a number of times and feel the same way when I leave it!!!!

  11. Hey no surprise here --- but Massachusetts is also hard for those of us that don't live in you are home soon and loved your stay here....

  12. Since you are spending so much time on the Right Coast, why not pop over to the Left Coast? We could have a nice little blogger reunion right here in San Francisco: "Louis", "Tomate Farcie" and "Katiefornia" are in the East Bay. We could get Donald Kinney to join us from the North Bay....

  13. Excuse moi marie pour le morceau de viande, la prochaine fois j'essairaie de faire griller un poisson. T'en manges ?

  14. Oh my Marie ~~ if you find that rich old farmer and stay in the USA I will come and visit you!!!

    The little rabbit is so cute!!

  15. Oh how wonderful to see Edith Wharton's house. Not sure about the farmer tho!

