
mercredi 16 juillet 2008

ABC Wednesday........ Z like zen

I am sure that there are already hundreds of zen posts that have been written for today's ABC Wednesday but z is a difficult letter. :-))

Zen like the people in Bryant Park, in New York City (right behind the Public Library). I took these photos last week.

Please visit Mrs Nesbitt's place and the blogs participating in the ABC Wednesday.

28 commentaires:

  1. I am not quite sure how I feel about Zen - but it is a good Z!

  2. Everyone had so many clever ideas for Z.
    Yours is very good.

    Bear((( )))

  3. I too had Zen, but with Lou Reed. It does conjour up that feeling of well ebing and being at one with the world. I have enjoyed your New York images.

  4. I posted these photos because when I was in that park, I thought its peacefulness and serenity was almost palpable.

  5. I loved Bryant park when I visited NYC. We had our lunch at one of these tables.

  6. Marie, this is just the 2nd 'zen' I've come across. It looks a very calm, time-out place to be, under the shady trees.

  7. This looks like a lovely spot to sit and contemplate the universe - or ones navel. lol

  8. Looks very peaceful and zen like!

  9. What a nice casual group of people all enjoying themselves and the day.

  10. Wonderful photos, today and the rest of your recent posts, Marie. I love all of those chairs in Central Park.

    Zing in relation to the heartstrings is that exhilarating, giddy, breathless feeling that consumes you when you realize you're in love, or when you see the person you love, or when you hear his or her voice nearby.

  11. je vais être très possessif comme garçon, mais voila mon parc de new york ;o)) je fais parti d'une association virtuelle de français amoureux du bryant park. Tu as raison, dans ce park (au milieu des buildings) on est ailleurs et on est zen. Souvent je finis mais longue journée de marche dans ce parc, pour me reposer, reprendre des forces. La première chose que je fais en arrivant à NYC (après le passage à l'hôtel), direction le Bryant Park et je me bois un Capuccino tout en me délassant dans ce park et là je me dis "je suis enfin à NYC". Bon je m'arrête, car je pourrais en parler des heures et des heures ;o)). tu en as de la chance.

  12. Il faut pouvoir être zen. J'ai du mal à l'être because que mon Chéri ne l'est pas du tout. Je le suis quand je suis seule à mon ordi.

  13. A good feeling!
    Great idea, popular as you say but if it is important it is appropriate.

  14. Hi Marie!
    Still in New York? I'm so envious... ;))
    Blogtrotter is now just at the Michigan Law School! Hope you take pleasure in it and wish you a great weekend!

  15. Zut! il fait beau là bas, ce n'est pas comme ici.

  16. Plusieurs "zen posts"? Aucune importance, on n'en aura jamais assez! Ces bulles de verdure et de calme sont vitales , dans les grandes villes encore plus qu'ailleurs.

  17. Peaceful and contented waiting.
    Here’s what happens when you wait a couple of hours to see the pope pass by…
    Sydney Daily Photo

  18. PS Bryant park is one of my favourite spots in NYC. The green chairs remind me of the Luxembourg gardens in paris.

  19. Lovely Zen choices. And I adored yesterday's duck!

  20. You did good Marie ~~ Z is a very difficult one...

    When I was doing my ABC Art Project ~~ I also used "Zen" meditation as my last in the alphabet....

    Nice pictures.

  21. Zen is an excellent choice Marie. I love your photos; Bryant Park looks quite tranquil for NYC.

  22. I have not made the last 3 ABC's....oh was a good run while it lasted! I like your Z....are you still in the US? When do you go home?

  23. another amazing captures. look like fun.

    have a nice day!!!

  24. Hi Marie - I'm baaack. Missed you all and it is so ni

  25. nice to catch up with you!!

    The bit fell off my comment - Ouch how painful!!!

  26. I love Zen.

    Nice shots. Where are you Marie? Are you camping?

    We loved our camping trip--the chipmunks ate right out of our hands.

