
vendredi 12 septembre 2008

Isabelle et Vincent

I met Isabelle et Vincent the day before I left Westport. They have a wonderful boulangerie-pâtisserie in Fairfield. You can visit their website, which will make you want to travel to Fairfield!

They told my friend Lucia and me about their settling in the USA to live their American dream. It was very hard and it is still very hard. They are very brave ! Vincent starts working at 3 AM every day.

J'aime bien les gens qui "en ont". Isabelle et Vincent ont tout remis en question en France pour partir vivre une autre vie aux Etats-Unis. Bravo à eux et bonne chance. Leur entreprise marche déjà du tonnerre.

17 commentaires:

  1. c'est une belle histoire, le rêve américain. c'est amusant, j'adore New York, mais j'aimerais pas y vivre....
    Sinon, pour répondre a ta question, evry-centre se trouve a une trentaine de kilomètres de la tour Eiffel, et pour hier soir moi j'ai abandonné avant l'arrivée de mon député-maire ;o)

  2. Purée, on est vraiment envahis par les spammeurs. Quelle merde !

  3. Hello from another Maris! What delightful bakery shots! I'm off to go buy a little cake myself now!

  4. Bonjour, Marie! "Louis" was happy to see you had stopped by. Thank you for sharing this boulangerie-pâtisserie with us.

  5. Looks delicious. I hope they are doing well here in America.

  6. Bravo à ces deux là pour leur magnifique initiative !

    ..."to leave their American dream" ou "to live their American dream" ?


  7. oui Marie, en ce moment ils font forts les spammeurs ;o((

  8. What a lovely shop. I hope these hardworking people realize their dream! Wish they were here so I could sample their lovely pastries and breads.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Just to clear one thing up. My photos were not from France, but a French bistro right here in Birmingham, Alabama! Maybe you can visit one day. I would love to sip a glass of wine with you there.

  9. Well done and good luck to them. Wish they would move here and open up a branch - I'll run it...... and eat most of it!!!!

  10. 3.AM! That is dedication. I am sure they will be successful in their new venture.It looked exexptionally clean.

    I for one can't wait for you to get back to Montpellier, one of my favourite cities.

  11. Hard work but I bet the end results taste fantastic!

    I think your 9/11 photos were a lovely tribute.

  12. I take my hat off to people who have the desire to make something like this work.... And that's lots of hard work.... but what a lovely shop.

  13. Félicitations à isabelle et Vincent pour leur réussite là-bas. Dis moi Marie, pense tu qu'on peut aller fabriquer des meubles aux States sans être ponctionnés de toutes parts comme ici.C'est à dire pour voir vivre de son travail et ne pas donner tout ce qu'on gagne à l'état. C'est possible ou non ?
    Je ne sais plus si j'ai laissé un com sur ton post au sujet des Benaut. J'y retourne !

  14. Concernant le 11 septembre, mon fils m'a appelé pour me dire ce qu'il se passait en direct à la télé,j'ai allumé mon post et j'en suis encore toute boulversée.

  15. Hum, that seems tasty ... ummmmmm ....

    Ferreira-Pinto a.k.a Quinttarantino coming from lenses and visions

  16. That is a magnificent shop, I am sure they will be successful, especially with their strong work of luck to them!

  17. I would not want to start working at 3 AM. Lovely pictures, Marie.

