
mercredi 28 juillet 2010

ABC Wednesday.......... B stands for Berkeley

Berkeley, what else ? Thank you to Ron for showing me the campus and the remarkable houses in his city.

ABC Wednesday blogs please click on this link, Mrs Nesbitt has done a wonderful job!).

Quelques vues de Berkeley. Merci à Ron de m'avoir fait visiter le campus et de m'avoir montré les jolies maisons aux propriétaires souvent célèbres.

16 commentaires:

  1. Waouhh ils sont toujours aussi impressionnant les campus américains, quand on voit l'état de nos facultés ;(((

  2. Marie bonjour
    et bien tes photos sont superbes je trouve et tu as raison Olivier
    ils sont en bon état
    Bonne journée je vais faire des courses

  3. Bonjour,
    Les lieux d'enseignements refletent souvent l'état de corruption. Corruption des biens ou corruption des idées. Mais ce qui depuis deux siècles diffencie les peuples, c'est que certains développent l'art d'apprendre à apprendre, alors que d'autres développent l'art d'apprendre à croire même si cela mène à une destruction de l'humanité.

  4. Oh wow these two houses are beautiful, can't say which one is my favorite they look fabulous!

    ABC Wednesdsay~B

  5. Wonderful!
    Wednesdays are always interesting don't you think?

    ABC Wednesday Team

  6. My daughter went to college there about a decade ago.

    Thank you for participating in ABC Wednesday; please come back regularly. - ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  7. Beautiful Berkeley! My father taught there during the summer sessions in the early 1970's. I love the place.

  8. And what a beautiful day with blue skies when you took those photos! It's foggy and cool in Berkeley now, typical San Francisco Bay summer weather. Here is a real-time view of the Golden Gate, day and night.

    That 1923 football stadium is placed right on top of an earthquake fault (oops) that is pulling it apart (see the daylight at the top of the wall, and the little metal plate to hold the halves together?). I think the brick buildings are a former Baptist seminary that is now owned by the university; a very restful spot to pause, with lawns and benches to sit on.

  9. love the photo of the stadium! so cool!

  10. Beautiful Berkeley - glorious photos!

  11. You got some great shots of Berkley. Good job for "B"

  12. Ils sont chouettes ces campus Américains. Olivier a raison ce ne sont pas las facs ou universités françaises.
    Par contre la !maison blanche est un peur trop cubique à mon goût? un peu lourde même.
    J'ai été contente de pouvoir rednre service à Giulia.

  13. Well, Marie, in this case, I think "B" stands for how you are getting "better" every day...these photos are very well composed, exposed and full of interest. You are a "beauty," which is another link to "B"!

  14. BAck in the USA?

    Hope you're having fun!

