
dimanche 6 février 2011

Sunday Bridges...... Vallon Pont d'Arc, Ardèche

Vallon Pont d'Arc is just one of the many "marvels of nature" you can see in Ardèche!

More Sunday Bridges on Louis la Vache's blog, San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.

Pont naturel (et pas en béton, ouf) à Vallon Pont d'Arc, en Ardèche...

24 commentaires:

  1. Very beautiful natural bridge and very beautiful photo. The sight is amazing.

  2. My god, the memories... Spent many holidays there as a kid

  3. Ca fait rever un peu, des journées chaudes, sur l'eau fraiche, sous un pont en splendeur... picnics au soleil sur un rocher plat au bord de l'eau... Merci pour ce rappel que l'hiver ne dure pas toute l'année...

  4. That looks like it is the oldest bridge in the world and still beautiful.

  5. a natural bridge, we have one here too! very beautiful!!!

  6. The vegetation gives it a friendlier, more accessible aspect than the (also very beautiful, but different) natural bridges in the Utah desert such as "Delicate Arch", for example.

    I can picture Roman legions (or Asterix!) in boats passing under the arch.

  7. WOW! and it is so huge! Obviously a popular spot.

  8. Oh what a masterpiece of nature. I would love to be down on that beach.

  9. I love this beautiful natural arch. magnificent!

  10. A great and unusual bridge for Louis' bridge meme today! No steel or concrete in that one!
    Bravo, Marie!

  11. We have a natural bridge here in our area known as The Natural Bridge, in Natural Bridge , VA. It is no where as beautiful as your. This shot is surreal in its beauty. Awesome shot.

  12. WOW! That is really gorgeous! I would LOVE to see that!!!!!! Nice capture!!!

  13. Fabulous, Marie!
    What a fine contribution to Sunday Bridges!

  14. superbe ce vieux pont, cela donne envie de monter dessus et de faire un saut dans l'eau

  15. J'ai eu l'occasion de le photographier aussi, un jour.
    C'est un magnifique endroit.
    Jolie photo, Marie ! La mienne beaucoup moins réussie avec un viel appareil pas numérique du tout.

  16. Absolument superbe, je connaissais vaguement le nom mais ne l'avais jamais vu!

  17. A visiter de préférence en hiver. On se baigne moins, mais on évite la cohue.

  18. Oh Marie, le Pont d'Arc, tous ces souvenirs qui me reviennent en mémoire. Une vraie surprise de le découvrir sans m'y attendre.

