
jeudi 16 août 2007

Fêtes de Saint-Roch

Montpellier has been celebrating Saint-Roch since Wednesday. Today is the last day of the celebrations. Animals will be blessed this morning before Saint-Roch church, and in the afternoon there will be a lecture in the "salle Pétrarque."

Yesterday I attended the procession. It was very different from the procession I had attended last year. There were stops in every church on the "route" of the procession. The streets were absolutely crowded.

For the first time in my life I could enter the Chapelle des Pénitents Blancs, sometimes called the French Sixtin Chapel because of the painted ceiling. It is a real wonder. You can see a few photos by clicking on the link.

I met there a young English teacher from Italy. She looks like Ségolène Royal, who could have been French president if more people had voted for her a few months ago. I took dozens of photos of the extraordinary chapel and of the pretty young woman. When I came back home I made a big mistake. Thinking that I had uploaded all the photos on my computer, I deleted them and formated the card. I was so sad..........

Anyway..... French people like their past. I saw lots of people in medieval costumes. Very beautiful and colorful.

The statues of the Virgin Mary and that of Saint-Roch are carried by people all around the city. The barons de Caravetes participate in the procession. They are made up of people whose families have been "from" Montpellier for three or four generations (I need to check). There were also people from other cities and many musicians from Italy.

It is a wonderful event, which allows us to meet a lot of nice people.

14 commentaires:

  1. Une belle fête (je ne connaissais pas). C'est des acteurs d'une troupe qui se deguisent, où des gens du pays qui font cela en benevola ? les costumes sont superbes.
    Passe un bon weekend

  2. very interesting and colorful post ;o]

  3. Thanks for your kind remarks and visit to my blog.

    I have two computers and one is an iMac.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  4. I think that the photo shop can take your card and re-discover the lost photos, They certaianly are not permanently erased. They are still there, Marie.
    Bon chance, - ce n'est pas impossible.

  5. Marie...I would love to attend one of your beautiful fesitvals with you. I love your post every much rich history and wonderful pictures. You are so good at what you do girlfriend.

  6. VERY interesting! I'm going to have to come back and study these in greater detail! Cool! Mary :-D

  7. Love the photos and the comments - very interesting as usual marie

    Hope you manage to get your photos - my blog today is about that sort of thing - we call it Murphy's Law - anything that can go wrong - will!!!!

  8. Your photos today really capture the sense of real,living history. Thank you.

  9. Very nice photos and those medieval costumes are beautiful.
    Sorry about some photos that you deleted by mistake.
    Have a nice weekend :)

  10. Thank you very much for your comments. It is difficult for me to take really nice shots in the narrow streets of Montpellier as my equipment is not very good.

    I doubt it that I can re-discover my photos as I have formated the little disk as I do every time I erase photos...... Sigh.

  11. Thank you for the interesting commentary. I truly enjoyed reading what you wrote...and the extra pictures were a huge plus.

  12. The people certainly look authentic in their costumes....nice too!

  13. Je ne connaissais pas non plus cette fête,je suis allée à la fête "Jeanne Hachette " à Beauvais, c'était identique avec des gens en costumes d'époque, c'est très beau, j'aime beaucoup.

  14. You are surrounded by such beauty! Wonderful history and post, so interesting & colorful!
    Love looking at your daily photo's!
    Thanks for sharing!

