
vendredi 15 février 2008

Pierrot le Zygo

I have wanted to introduce Pierre Guiraud, a.k.a. Pierrot le Zygo to you for a long time. Pierrot is a blogger from Lodève, Hérault. He is also a "politician." At least he has set up a list of candidates to the local election that is going to be held soon. It is not the first time that he has been doing so. Pierrot has a vivid imagination and a thousand ideas per minute. He has invented a robot that shakes hands with possible voters for him when he is too busy to do so by himself. Sculptor Nicolas Jouas made it for him. You can see the robot in the first photo, which is actually a screen capture. Pierrot frequently appears on TV and in newspapers. He has recently been shown in the news on France 2 channel.

The photos were taken on the Triangle, in Montpellier. Pierrot came in December and handed out postcards to be sent to president Sarkozy (telling him that everybody wanted to get a 120 % increase in their wages, just like him).

Pierrot's political list is named "Aux urnes, Citoyens" (roughly, "Citizens, go to the polls"). His party is the "parti coluchiste," after the name of the famous French stand up comedian Coluche who is dead now but who once ran for president.

He may look a bit eccentric but his action makes us question "regular" politicians (who have often so much disappointed their voters).

If I lived in Lodève, I would certainly vote for him!

(Like Pierrot, Coluche was not just a "comique": it is him who created the Restos du Coeur (to help homeless people).

26 commentaires:

  1. interesting post...i love the pictures

  2. Ce n'est pas parce que l'on est "comique" que l'on ne peut faire de grandes choses, tu as raison de voter pour lui, il vaut mieux travailler dans la gaité et la bonne humeur.
    Bonne fin de semaine.

  3. Il a un programme très sérieux, Lyliane.

  4. Tiens ! Un robot politicien ! Je ne sais pas s'il y a des candiats déçus par leurs électeurs, mais il y a beaucoup d'électeurs déçus par leurs élus. Chaque fois qu'il y a des élections, je me dis : voter or not voter ? That'is the question !

  5. personnellement je ne suis pas sur que ce genre de liste, donne une bonne image de la politique (qui deja......)...Mais pourquoi pas

  6. Olivier, Pierrot se veut le successeur de Coluche. Tu sais, les politiciens de ma région sont au pouvoir depuis des lustres. C'est bon de les secouer un peu. Qui d'autre donne une bonne image de la politique? (j'ai vu le débat hier soir, ce n'était franchement pas terrible, il y avait des moments ou Chabot devait les faire taire).

    Je pense qu'il faut voter, Claude. Moi j'ai bien perdu mes illusions :-)) mais je voterai quand même.

  7. This is fascinating. I'm happy to read about Pierrot le Zygo. What a character.

    I missed your St. Valentine's yesterday. Just beautiful, Marie.

  8. Pour le débat d'hier, je suis d'accord avec toi, on avait l'impression de revenir au débat des années 1990 ;o)) Il fallait le vouloir pour regarder jusqu'au bout.

  9. Does that blog come to be political,doesn't it?

  10. Sounds like more countries need someone like Pierrot, to stir up the politicians and voters. We had a bloke stand for local goverment here, called Fa$t Buck$, who campaigned against corruption, big business.He really revved everyone up!

  11. Oh no, my blog is not going to become political. I have another blog for that :-)) Pierrot is not any politician, that's why I showed him (I didn't want not to show him when all TV channels show him and all newspapers talk about him. He is a friend of mine after all :-))

    Cabacurl, you have perfectly understood!!!!!!!

  12. A «non politician» candidate to the elections? I'm going to start believing in Papai Noel, as they say in Brazil... ;))
    Have a great weekend!

  13. He looks like the most delightful gentleman. I would like to meet him too.

  14. gmg, I meant Pierrot is not "n'importe quel" politicien :-)))

    Thank you for your comments...

  15. I love it. The true politician -- the people's politico.
    --steve buser
    New Orleans Daily Photo

  16. The world needs lots of Pierres I say!!!

    Interesting post Marie!!!

  17. "Aux urnes, citoyens" is a nice mind and word game with the "Aux armes, citoyens" of the French national anthem.

    A great hymn it is even in the Serge Gainsbourg version.

    As for Pierrot, I guess he as a point there ...

  18. J'ai suivi le lien et j'ai regardé la vidéo sur la machine à serrer les mains, c'est pas mal en effet !
    Bravo Marie pour ce reportage local !

  19. je l'ai vu au actualité, il semble avoir un progrmme qui tient la route malgré une mise en scéne extraordinaire

  20. mes doigts n'arrivent pas à suivre ma pensée (petite fatigue) qui modifie l'ortographe.
    excusez moi je vais me coucher

  21. Bonsoir Marie! M.B and I are at the Kyriad Centre Antigone,
    telephone: 04 67 64 88 50; room 203. Can you please phone us tomorrow? He is asleep now. I am using the hotel computer.

