
lundi 25 février 2008


I brought about this gathering of seagulls and ducks in the Lez a few days ago by giving them my old neighbor's dry bread (I don't eat bread). A few weeks ago somebody told me bread was not good for birds. I don't think it has hurt the birds I have been feeding for years now but if it is really bad, I will follow your advice.

17 commentaires:

  1. What a gorgeous scene. I didn't know that bread wasn't good for birds. Would be interested to know more. anyway sure they enjoyed it, Marie!

  2. Seagulls originally fed on fish originally, I believe; but they are opportunistic birds and would feed on anything, that's why we see so many near waste dumps. I'm not sure what effect it has on their metabolism in the long run.

  3. Nathalie's right, they eat all kinds of garbage. I wouldn't worry. On the other hand, beware of throwing those plastic 6-pack holders (which may or may not exist in France) in the trash. Seagulls scavenging can get caught in them and suffer. We always cut ours up and we've taught our children to do likewise.

  4. Thank you for your advice! The man who told me bread was not good for birds was an animal lover. I think he was refering to other birds than seagulls. He said birds have no bladder...... I don't know anything about the physiology of birds.

  5. I don't understand why blogger prevents me from copying links in my comments !

    To access the site mentioned in my former comment, you need to add digestion/birds/index.html after pathphys/

  6. That's a beautiful scene...we feed bread to the ducks in the pond nearby and they seem to thrive on it...interesting.

    I would be a size 4 if I could only give up my dreams!

  7. A Frenchwoman who doesn't eat bread - now I understand why the French woman doesn't get fat!

    But as for the gulls, are they fat?

  8. Wanda and Annie, I love bread but my stomach doesn't. Every time I eat a little piece of bread, my stomach hurts....

    I think the seagulls are in very good health :-))

  9. But how will make the children Sunday if the bread is not good for the birds

  10. Montpellier "étant près de la mer c'est normal qu'il y ait des mouettes. mais vois-tu ce qui est le plus curieux c'est qu'il y en a ici sur le Loir. Il paraît qu'elles seraient venues avec la tempête de 1999 et qu'elle seraient restées un peu déboussolées.
    A part le pain qui ne seraient pas bon pour elles, que peuvent leur donner d'autre les enfants ?

  11. That is a very nice shot.

    I don't think bread will do any harm to the seagulls, because they are known to eat almost everything. But not quite sure.

    Marie, don't take me wrong but try doing it like this for links on comments: write something

  12. Bergson, they will have to throw des frittes at the seagulls.
    I do not know if the French have "Fish and Chip", shops like in England and Australia.
    On peut assayer le lasagne?

  13. M. Benaut, lasagnes are Italian food! Have you heard that our new president would like French gastronomy to be put on the UNESCO world heritage list?

  14. Joli... Belles couleurs et situation agréable... De la détente au son de l'eau...


  15. Very pretty! I have also read that bread is not good for birds, but I do not remember the details. They certainly get a lot of it, because everyone feeds it to them. This is a lovely scene.

  16. Yes, so I see. But the French will have to wait until 2010 to see if Unesco accepts the application. After Mexico was turned down, I wonder if Sarkozy has more clout !!
    It's amazing what you can discover when reading the Bandar Seri Begawan daily papers, Marie. You are obviously very well read.
    I also read that, leading Gallic chef Alain Ducasse has taken up my ideas regarding fish and chips. Therefore it will now be o.k. to feed this delicacy to the seagulls au bord du Lez!
    Now, - you know, that I know that Lasagne is from south of the border. I was just having a little fun avec Bergson.
    Et toi aussi!

