
lundi 3 mars 2008

Do you know her?

This is not a political blog! I would just like to know whether my British, American, Australian friends, etc. know who the black-haired lady is. The other lady is our present mayor.

15 commentaires:

  1. Well I won't answer cos, living in France, I know the answer. Just to say isn't she a good looking woman. Nice photo. You really got up close and personal. Well done.

  2. I'll take a wild ass guess and say the nouvelle First Lady of France? She's way to pretty to be a politician:)

  3. sympathique Segolene qui fait la lecture ;o).

  4. Yes, Segolene Royale. I had no idea she had such a sharp nose. To me that's a VERY attractive feature in a woman.

  5. I guessed correctly (without peeking ;)...and she is quite attractive!

  6. Ségo, bien sur! She looks good since she dumped Hollande ;-)

  7. Yup, I got it right, too! Just because we're expats in ABu Dhabi doesn't mean we're completely out of touch!

  8. That lady is Madame Ségolene Royale.
    Quite a lady.

    As for politics who knows? Would she be a better presidente than Monsieur Sarkozy?
    What do you say?

  9. Hmm! I wond't peek at the answers. New first lady of France? Guess I'd better brush up on French life. Why not educate us??

  10. For those who don't know who Ségolène Royal is: she could have become our president but she was not elected last year. Sarkozy was.

    I met Mme Royal in Montpellier a few days ago. I found her much more beautiful in reality than on TV! She is really very beautiful! Now, I need to say I'm not a fan. I wouldn't trust any politician any longer.

  11. Je crois qu'elle est très jolie, mais vous êtes corrects, quand vous dites que vous ne vous fiez pas à de politiciens. Pourtant, il y a 2 côtés à chaque histoire et même une femme du Sénégal doit avoir la crédibilité. Je crois que le Français a de la chance que M. lePen n'a pas grimpé l'échelle de succès

