
mercredi 9 avril 2008

ABC Wednesday...... L is for Laugh !

This is my publisher, Max Chaleil.

My good English friends Maggie and David.

My friend Geneviève.

This is Régine Détambel, French writer.

My friend Danièle.

How not to be in a good mood when you have such good wines as the wines from Hérault to taste and drink with moderation (of course!)

Today my "theme" is laugh!

Please visit Mrs. Nesbitt's place and the blogs participating in "her" ABC Wednesday!

Le thème du jour, c'est le rire, qui est le propre de l'homme et dont nous avons tous tant besoin. Comme vous pouvez le voir, les gens que je fréquente ne sont pas tristes !

27 commentaires:

  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.

  2. Please don't open "Dumuro"'s comments. I think they are viruses.

  3. Nothing better than a good laugh. You captured some good ones.

  4. Sorry you do not understand what I am saying. I like to see people laugh. Laughing makes us all feel good. You took good pictures of people laughing. Is that better explained?

  5. Very nice photos and idea for L.

  6. Great photos, Marie - such wonderful laughs - and such interesting friends.

  7. "Le rire est satanique, il est donc profondément humain." Baudelaire.
    J'adore les portraits, un type de photo pas facile a faire, et j'aime beaucoup ta série, elle donne envie de rire avec.
    Ta bronchite ca va ?

  8. Wow.

    Everything about this post made me feel good. The photos are excellent.

    Please, whatever you do, don't visit my blog today (Wednesday) as I lost my mind, I think owing to medicine from my hospital stay, and posted some really gross stuff. I certainly don't want to spoil your day.

    Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio

  9. That is the right attitude! (and I could do wit some of that wine...)

  10. I have laugh too.Lovely photos,and lots of laughing people:o)

  11. Des visages très sympathiques!
    Atteinte par le complexe de "Big Brother", j'hésite toujours à mettre des photos personnelles(portraits) sur internet...Suis-je parano ?
    "le rire est satanique , donc humain" , c'est pour cette raison qu'il est condamné par les fanatiques...C'est, entre autres, le thème du" Nom de la Rose d'Umberto Eco "
    miss Yves

  12. What joyous pictures...infectious laughter even in your pictures. GREAT idea

  13. What a delightful and happy post....get your camera Marie....I'm smiling!!!

  14. Marie, what a great post....(I have been getting some of those bad things as well....I never open them if they are short and have strange names!) captured the laughter very well!! oops...just saw what Andrea took some lovely photographs of people laughing...."captured" them in slang!

  15. Le rire est le propre de l'homme, le savon aussi... (Philippe Geluck).

    Il te faut rire souvent pour expulser tes microbes ... (Bergson)

  16. Tout d'abord, j'espère qu'avec les beaux jours, ça va aller mieux pour toi. Après une bonne crise de rire on se sent mieux ! Et puis c'est nourrissant, il paraît que cela vaut un bon steack !

  17. Those laughs are infectious. Great series of portraits. Your publisher is even laughing with his hands!

  18. I see that whenever you're around people are always in a good mood!

  19. What a delightful "L"--makes me smile!

  20. Nothing is like a good laugh. This post gave me a big smile on my face!
    Thank you!

    Petunia's ABC

  21. Que de beaux sourires! je t'envoie le mien.

  22. Laughter is definitely the best medicine--and good to have around when you need an L.

  23. laughter is perfect for L. Dumuro is a virus, so are any other comments with the words "see here"

    Lovely set of photos

  24. Great photos of all those smiles.

