
mercredi 23 avril 2008

ABC Wednesday..... N like Nathalie Nicaud

The ABC Wednesday gives me the opportunity to pay homage to our diva Nathalie Nicaud. Nathalie is very talented and she should be famous all over the world! Moreover she is a very friendly pretty woman.

Please visit Mrs Nesbitt's place to see who is participating in the ABC Wednesday.

26 commentaires:

  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.

  2. Oh dear....that previous comment looks worrying! I didn't SEE HERE!

    Great post for ABC Wednesday!

  3. Heed Mrs Nesbitt's warning!
    That comment from shakadal is VERY BAD - DO NOT CLICK - IT RELASES A VIRUS.

    Marie - delete the comment asap!

    Now to Nathalie - yes very pretty - I've just downloaded her sample tracks and am listening to them now - very nice - you do her a favour promoting her.

  4. Don't worry, I'm accustomed to those crazy false comments :-)))

    I'm glad you visited Nathalie's site, ackworth born :-)))

  5. She looks like a person who really loves life. I chose N is for nummies. What's that you say? Click here to find out. - Margy

  6. Nathalie has a very NIFTY shape!

  7. I have not heard her sing, but at least she looks Nice!

  8. She is a very pretty lady. Nice photo.

  9. A very pretty lady and seems to me sees in a good mood.
    Now of to her site to learn more about her.

  10. une belle série de portrait, voila un personnage haut en couleur. un très choix pour le thème du Mercredi

  11. Nathalie looks so vibrant and full of life. I visited her website - such a talented lady. Love to hear her sing. Love that first photo where the background red picks up her dress.

  12. Merci de nous avoir présenté cette soprano. Je ne la connaissais pas malheureusement. Je vais me renseigner sur elle et commencer par chercher des vidéos sur YouTube :)

  13. A very pretty bubbly looking girl. I will check her music out after your very thoughful promotion. I'm sure her voice will be as pretty.

  14. You are right, Kate.

    NIFTY; such and old fashioned word, but how appropriate.

    Marie said how cold it was in Montpellier a couple of days ago, but this lady would raise a lot of gentlemen's temperatures; and that red dress; it's even NIFTY-ER.
    Nice photos, Marie.

  15. I don't normally like sopranos much, but she has a VOICE! Lovely!

  16. I've never heard of her but she is very pretty. Is she a singer or an actress?

  17. Charmante jeune femme qui aurait pu faire aussi un excellent mannequin.

  18. Great post, the art on the wall behind her looks interesting too..Is it her? Congrats on the grandbaby..

  19. I don't know her, but she looks like she's very friendly.

  20. She is lovely. I looked at her website, but don't read French. When I have time I will go back and listen to her sing.

  21. She certainly is pretty! A good choice!!!

  22. Très bonne idée!Mais je n'ai pas réussi à entendre les videos ...
    De nos jours, les cantatrices ont tous les dons: de belles voix, une jolie silhouette, des talents de comédiennes ...
    la troisième photo est très amusante: que chante-t-elle, et dans quelle oeuvre ?
    Miss Yves

